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How to Work With a Web Designer

To get the kind of web site you want, you have to clearly communicate to your designer what you want to accomplish. Most people don't know where to start. You can start by determining what the purpose of your web site is. Your web designer has to know if you want to sell products, collect leads, or instantly provide information to your prospects. Most people assume that their purpose is selling products or services.

Even if that's your purpose, you must be aware that most people don't purchase from your web site the first time they visit your site. When considering this fact, you will realize that the most important function of a web site should be collecting leads. Without building a mailing list, you can't follow up.

Now that you understand the importance of collecting email addresses, building a mailing list, and following up, how do you collect leads? Will you give them a free report or newsletter? If so, think about what information will entice your prospects to give you their email address. Another method that is becoming more popular is the squeeze page. This is an entry page that asks people for their email address before they get to your information. When done correctly, it's a very effective method to get your visitors' email addresses. Regardless of what method you're using to collect email addresses and building a mailing list, you'll want to automate this.

An autoresponder will automatically compile your mailing list and send your email messages at specific time intervals you determine. Discuss the many options available to you with your web designer. To get the web site you want, your web designer will need answers to these questions in order to help you accomplish your goals. ? What is the goal of your web site? ? Who is your targeted audience? ? What products and services are you selling? How many products? How many product categories? ? What is the look and feel you want? What are your color preferences? Do you want to look like a large company or a one-person, home-based business? Do you want a modern, homey, or conservative look? It will help your web designer to get a feel of what you like if you show him a couple of web sites you like.

? What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? In other words, what makes you unique? How will you set yourself apart from other web sites? It's important to have your entire content ready before starting the design of your web site. The navigation will be affected by your content and the number of pages. Effective copy is even more important than the design of your web pages. Write compelling copy or have someone write it for you.

Provide quality images or have someone design them for you. Most web designers can provide this service for you or have a graphic designer they work with. To get the web site you want, determine your goal, do your homework, and write compelling copy. Get all your information ready, including your copy, images, audio, and video. Provide your contact information, email, phone numbers, and domain name.

Then, give all your information to your designer at once. This will avoid redundant correspondence, confusion, and multiple edits. Communicate your goals and needs to your web designer.

The better your designer understands what you want to accomplish, the better he will be able to put together a site that matches your goals.

Boost Credibility with Images! Header templates - FREE 34+ clipart resources Custom design: - © Leva Duell 2006

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