Web Hosting Glossary - Common Hosting Terms
Apache - A very popular open source web hosting
software, available for numerous platforms.
Bandwidth - The amount of data traffic that can
or is transported from one computer to another.
BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an
implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol.
Co-lo - Co-location, refers to an agreement
that sees a client owned server hosted in an ISP's data center.
Daemon - An application or utility that runs in
the background on the server.
DNS - Domain name system, turns domain names in
to IP addresses.
Domain name - An alpha-numeric combination that
can be used instead of IP addresses.
Enom - An ICAAN registered domain name
Fantastico - An integrated application that
allows web hosting clients to automatically install popular
FrontPage - A Microsoft web development
FTP - File transfer protocol, allows users to
transfer files from one computer to another.
HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language is a simple
markup language used to design web pages.
HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol allows the
transfer to web files over the Internet, viewable in a browser.
ISP - Internet Service Provider.
Linux - An open source version of the UNIX
operating system that has gained popularity as a web hosting
Managed Hosting - A web hosting service where
the provider supports the daily upkeep of the server, including
activities like updates and patches.
MySQL - An open source application of a SQL
server that is quite popular with numerous web hosts.
NameServer - Converts domain names into
appropriate IP addresses and vice versa.
NOC - Network Operations Center.
Overselling - When a web host sells more space,
bandwidth or CPU cycles than they have at their disposal, with
the belief that the customers won't actually use them all.
PERL - Practical Extraction and Reporting
Language, is a programming language frequently used for creating
CGI programs for web use.
PHP - An open-source, server-side scripting
language used to create dynamic web pages.
phpMyAdmin - A web based application to manage
MySQL databases.
RedHat - A commercial Linux distribution,
popular amongst web hosts.
Reseller - A webhost who resells web space off
of a shared server with other resellers.
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
Squirrelmail - A web based e-mail program.
SSL - Secure Socket Layer is a protocol that
transmits data in an encrypted form.
Terabyte - 1024 Gigbytes worth of storage or
TLD - Top Level Domain, like .com, .ca, .org
VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network.
VPS - Virtual Private Server is a software
based private server hosted in a shared environment.
Whois - A universal database maintained by
registries and registrars with domain contact information.
WWW - World Wide Web. |
