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How to Create A Web Site In Minutes or Less

If you are like me and not a 'techie' or web designer, but want to create your own web pages, here are the steps I use. First, I used to use Frontpage2000 and still do with some old web sites but have fallen in love with XSitePro. I can't say enough about this marvelous web builder extraordinaire! The ease with which you can create a full blown web site or a quick mini-site is.well just awesome! You have to check it out for yourself to see what I'm talking about. But if you are baffled with how to use templates, add a link page, navigation, ftp uploading, site maps, and adding Google Adsense and affiliate links, XSitePro will walk you through it with video tutorials as well as a very responsive support group.

I can build a great looking web site in 30 minutes or less, complete with Adsense, affiliate links, images and uploaded! Here are a few I've created and I'm no web designer, believe me! http://www.identitytheftcop.

com Ok, I'm not that artistic but I like to keep them simple and easy to navigate. That is important as most surfers click, scan for a few seconds and either stay or click off. You need above all, CONTENT! for the visitor or the Search Engines. You need to choose the market you want to sell to, either your own product or an affiliate product. Digital Informational products are the best, still, because they don't require you to physically handle them, ship them etc. But you can find companies that will package your ebook,software product in a CD/DVD or printed manual.

One that I recommend is You can charge more for a physical product, DVD, audio or manual then a pdf doc. And you will out shine your competition. Ok, a little off the subject :o) After your choice of market or niche topic, you need to decide what kind of web site it is to be.

an affiliate site where your main goal is to sell affiliate products or again your own product. You can get resell products all over the place at very good prices. The one I love is Surefirewealth.

Jeremy Gliason is constantly adding new products and software plus has a new search box so you can find a reseller product in seconds. Now that we know what direction we are heading, it is time to start to put it on paper or virtual real estate. This is the easy part, particularly with XSitePro (think I like this software? lol). I have to admit, I don't like writing my own sales copy and don't want to pay someone $1,000's to do it so I use already created sales letters at Infogoround and Content Goldmine by Ryan Deiss and Jimmy D. Brown. Content Goldmine gives you articles, e-courses, keyword lists and even their own research on the best affiliate products to sell! The bad news is that they only accept new members a few times a month and you will most likely have to be put on a waiting list.

This is a good idea as you don't want 1,000's of other members competing for the same targeted audience. They give you the sales copy, images and the product (usually an ebook) with articles to plug in. All you need to is import the sales page into your html builder with the images, add the articles with links to your product or affiliate or adsense (I have read that it is better to only have one.either adsense or affiliate links and not both as it dilutes the effectiveness). I haven't tested it myself but others have.

Add your meta tags, (even though Google and other se's don't use them, but some se's do) create a site map so Google can find your articles and add keywords to your title, first paragraph and throughout the pages. Upload your web pages with images to your web host and.Voila! A brand new web page for millions to see :o) Oh yeah, make sure all the links and order buttons work! A great site with tons of freebies is http://www. Don't forget to get some traffic, and I have covered that thoroughly in my blog. But to get listed in Google within 24 hours submit an article to the article directories, ezine publishers and other article web sites with your resource box or bio with a link to your new web site. For a good article submitter that will shorten this tedious task drastically check out Article Marketer.

Dan Farrell of Build An eBusiness On A Shoestring where you can subscribe to his newsletter with Dan sharing many years of personal experience plus get tons more articles for your web content. More Articles and Free Newsletter

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