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Affordable Web Hosting

Web hosting is an essential component of any web site, without the right web hosting service to back up your website you could end up loosing valuable time and money. Today there are so many web hosting companies online that it has become increasingly difficult to keep up with the latest developments and also figure out how to choose the right web hosting company for your web site. In fact with server storage costs plummeting, the cost of web hosting has come down considerably, and sites like are actually offering quality web hosting for as little as $6 a month! When it comes to web hosting, there are few things that you as a webmaster have to keep in mind before you actually choose a web hosting company. The first thing to do is to determine your requirements, how much space do you need? For how long do you need the web hosting? Do you want to enter into a long term agreement or one that is for a limited duration of time? How many email ids do you need? Once you have the answers to all these questions you should then start looking for website hosting services.

The first factor that should influence your decision in choosing a web hosting company is flexibility, most web hosting companies usually have 3 or 5 different plans designed for various users, some offer unlimited space, while others offer limited transfer of data. If you have a regular website that does not have any databases or other similar e-commerce functions then 5GB of web space should be sufficient. Make sure you shop around and find a web hosting company that is offering web space that is close to your requirements. Another fact to keep in mind is that there are limitations on the amount of data you can upload and download, the minimum amount is close to around 250GB, if you are thinking of frequently making changes to your site, and are not sure how much data you will need, then choose a web hosting plan that offers large amounts of data transfer without charging the earth.

The final fact that will definitely influence your decision in choosing a web hosting server is the kind of operating system you require, sometimes e-commerce sites require dedicated operating systems, for example if your site is using .NET then you will need a windows based server, as Linux does not support .NET hosting.

It is therefore essential for you as the webmaster to understand your site's requirements clearly and then choose a web server that meets all your requirements. There are other important features that usually influence the decision of choosing a web hosting service, but the essential factors by and large are space, operating system and data transfer, if you have these three factors catered for then the chances are that you have picked the right web hosting company to host your site. Also make sure you shop around before you make your decision, the more you shop around the better the chances of you finding the ideal web hosting company for your needs. Choosing a Flexible web hosting company There is no telling what your requirements will be in a month's time or a year's time, you might want to switch to another plan, or make changes to your existing plan. Usually most web hosting companies allow flexible web storage, and usually have add-on services like emails, SSL certificates etc.

If you are not sure about the way things will go for your site, and might need to make changes rapidly, then using companies that have limited tie in periods allowing web hosting services for shorter durations of time like 2 months or 3 months is a good idea. Not only can you reassess the situation in time but you can also make sure you have the best deal when the time comes to upgrade or downgrade your web hosting plan.

5 Shades Hosting is a successful web hosting provider that has been providing domain registration and affordable web hosting services for individuals and businesses for almost a decade now. Dollar-for-dollar, feature-for-feature, you'll find the best web hosting company right here plus a full Money Back Guarantee, 24/7 Live Support, No Setup Fees and Plans from $5.91/mth.

Shared Web Hosting

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